The Canadian Conservative

How Conservatives can Protest Effectively with Billboard Chris

February 22, 2023 Russell Season 2
The Canadian Conservative
How Conservatives can Protest Effectively with Billboard Chris
Show Notes Transcript

Chris Elston, nicknamed “Billboard Chris” is known for his now iconic sandwich Billboard that he wears that has the saying, “ Children Cannot Consent to Puberty Blockers”. He describes himself as a dad with two daughters. He protests across North America against gender ideology and the sterilization of children by usage of chemicals that inhibit the natural puberty of young people.

He discusses how he protests, changing the culture as well as developing alternatives to woke ideology.

He can be found at his website and his Twitter @BillboardChris

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Welcome back to the Canadian conservative. I'm your host, Russell. And today in the studio, I have billboard, Chris, who is made quite a few waves in Canada, United States. He's been on Tim cast, he's done quite a few different events. He's been on Fox News, I believe you're on Tucker Carlson. Yeah, yeah, I've done a bunch of stuff. It's busy now. And I'm going to see PAC at the beginning of March. So that'd be great, because I'll meet a bunch of conservative media personalities there, but we're making some headway. That's awesome. Now for the people that may not know who you are, if you want to give a brief introduction, and then we'll get into the topics for today, I am a dad of two girls who are 11 and 13 years old now. And for the past two and a half years, I've been going out on the street, like a crazy person wearing signs that say children cannot consent to puberty blockers. And my definition of a dad, which is a very scientific definition, it is a human male, who protects his kids from gender ideology. Because we have a craze infecting the entire Western world, where kids who defy stereotypes are now being taught that they are trans and they won't find true happiness, unless they medically transition to the opposite sex, which, of course, is impossible and turns children into lifelong medical patients. Now with the with this whole kind of craze that's taken off, what was the Flashpoint that kind of, because there's been talk about this going back all the way to the 2000s. But it's just ramped up in the rhetoric in the last few years. So what do you think was the spark that really drove this push for this whole gender ideology? I don't think there's been a single spark the roots for this have been growing. For decades, really, in academia, where all sorts of ridiculous far left theories float around. And as long as they stay there, that's one thing, but this idea that we all have a gender identity, which is essentially like having a gendered soul, which might or might not coincide with the stereotypes of your birth sex. This identity of gender identity has floated around for a long time, but it's emerged from academia into the mainstream. And there's a lot of contributing factors, money is a contributing factors and billionaires who identify as trans are contributing factors. All of these LGBTQ organizations, which we should appropriately call TQ organizations, because they have nothing to do with LGB anymore. When gay rights were one, at the start of this century, you know, leading up to 2010. All of these organizations with hundreds of millions of dollars, they're not just going to close the doors when they achieved their goals of gay rights. So the goalposts moved, and the objective became trans rights. And when you combine these letters LGBTQ together, anyone who might be a critic, well, those letters strike fear in the hearts of men, and it paralyzes people. And anything you say at all, it gets you labeled a bigot, who's anti LGBT. And of course, none of the politicians who by their very nature are somewhat cowardly, will speak out against this, because then they won't get reelected. It's pretty simple. So there's been media silence, there has been silent throughout the population. And this creates the perfect storm for this pseudo religious ideology where children are born in the wrong body, and creates the perfect storm for this to flourish. And that's what's happened. And finally, people are waking up, and not being so worried about being called these various labels such as transphobic, which honestly is probably just a compliment, it means you accept biological reality and don't want to sterilize kids. That's what being a transphobic means today. But they were successful in completing gay rights with trans rights. And that's how they've been able to push through all this various legislation and other means to harm our kids. I saw the video you did on less than Louis, why do you think that conservatives had been so slow on the uptake of seeing what's going on? And even now that they're seeing it? They refuse to take any real social conservative stance on the issue? They, some of them have more in the States than in Canada, although a few in Canada, generally more I'd say the PPC than the Conservative Party have kind of made some stances on it. Why do you think they just won't address it in the conservative sphere in Canada and generally in the Western Hemisphere? Okay, so first of all, the PPC is the only Conservative Party in Canada. The Conservative Party is conservative in name only they are part of the unit party, along with the liberals and the NDP. If they want me to give a different message than that, then they're going to need to act like it and show that they have some actual conservative values. But they don't. They are also not slow on the uptake. They know exactly what's going on. I've been to Ottawa eight times, I have spoken to Conservative MPs out on the street, they know exactly what's going on. Almost two years ago, someone who's very well informed about all of this even went and spoke to the entire conservative caucus. So they know what's going on. They just don't have the courage to stand up to it. Carrie Lynn Finley, my MP in South Surrey White Rock sat on the committee, who listened to everyone testifying against Bill C six. Now Bill C six turned into Bill C four. But they're essentially the same. And this is the conversion therapy bill, which I've tweeted about today, you'll find it on my twitter at billboard, Chris. And it made it a crime punishable by five years in prison or a $2 million fine for parents, counselors, faith leaders, anybody. But obviously, this is going to be primarily parents, because it's parents who deal with their kids the most. It's now illegal to help your girl feel comfortable as a girl. It's illegal to help your boy who might like sparkly things to feel comfortable as a boy, guess what he can like sparkly things. And b a boy, he's 100%. Boy, that's the message we should be sending that stereotypes do not determine our children's sex. But these conservatives are terribly cowardly. And they won't stand up against this nonsense. So when this bill came back as Bill C for not one conservative set of people and it passed unanimously in the house, they didn't even hold a proper vote. So now you have therapists who can help these kids like the good therapists who would actually help these children through the various trauma or whatever is affecting them. They won't even talk to these kids puts a chill on the entire therapist profession, because they would risk losing their license because they're deemed to be convinced committing conversion therapy. If you help a child feel comfortable in their skin, it's totally okay to indoctrinate them that they're the opposite sex and turn them into a lifelong and orgasmic sterile pharmaceutical patient who is forever reliant on some exogenous source of hormones. A child who can never have a family, a child, his dating pool is essentially reduced to zero. It's totally fine to do that, to traumatized kids who have suffered sexual abuse who are autistic, who have ADHD, who are in foster care, literally all of these kids have some mental health comorbidity going on, but we don't treat those anymore. We treat gender as if it is the source of all of their struggles. And we cut off body parts and give kids drugs and hormones which try in vain to change them into the opposite sex. With their failure to address this, do you think it's had a detrimental impact on the conversation because they won't have the conversation even within their own party? I'm sure they're having conversations behind closed doors. But their idea to address this is it's going to take 10 years, I've been told this on the street, I was on the street with me from Ottawa right in front of Parliament. Boy, probably close to a couple years now I've been doing this for two and a half years. And we ran into some staffers of a couple of MPs. One of them was a staffer for Aaron O'Toole, who was at the time, the Conservative leader, he told me to keep going. They know exactly what's going on. And they want me to have success yet publicly. They stand against me or say nothing. This is the definition of cowardice. And they told they told me even if I wanted to run for an MP, which I categorically do not, but I wouldn't even be allowed to, because I'm too conservative for the Conservative Party. Their goal is, you know, eventually, 10 years down the road, we'll have to amend the bill and we'll do something about it then. And me and I and she's this fabulous, brilliant woman from England just looked at each other. What 10 years no 10 years is not going to fly we're not going to sit around while 100 or 200 or 300,000 More kids are irreversibly harmed while you guys total your thumbs because you're too afraid of getting called a bigot. That's not going to happen. So it's up to the citizenry to create awareness about this to move the Overton window to make it safe for these cowardly politicians to talk about it. And we've had success doing this in the United States. Where even a year ago the Conservatives the Republicans down there didn't want to talk about this either. But these Boston Children's Hospital videos that I tweeted out last August have changed the conversation because for the first time everyone saw exactly what these doctors that these gender clinics think. And in these videos which their own hospital produced, they talked about doing gender affirming hysterectomy knees, hysterectomy knees to affirm your gender at the Children's Hospital phalloplasty where they create a fake phallus, they carve out all the tissue from your forearm and create a phallus that they attach to this girl's groin, it's a non functioning phallus, it just sits there, it doesn't do anything. Sometimes after it's healed, they'll insert steel rods into it, literally so that they can maneuver it for sex or something. But that's ridiculous. They do vaginal pasties, where they slice open the boy's penis and invert it to form what's called a NEO vagina. But because these kids have been on puberty blockers, their penis never grew. So they have a micro penis for life. There's not enough tissue to do the inversion. So what they do is they'll take out some of the child's colon, or some of the kids stomach to form the lining of this Neo vagina, which has to be dilated for the rest of their life. And they have to buy hormones for the rest of their life. And sometimes they're cutting out the ovaries of the girls as well. That's called a bilateral oophorectomy which means they're now forever reliant on an external source of estrogen. If they decide in a few years time, as many of them do, that they actually just want to be a girl again, or be a woman. So lifelong medical patients. Yeah. And that's called Love and inclusion and kindness. And you apparently you're a Nazi, if you don't want to sterilize your own child. That's, that's the mainstream media rhetoric that we get when I have a protest at Boston Children's Hospital in September, there were 200 and Tifa members on the other side of the street, chanting, of course, all cops are bastards, calling me Nazi scum. The police were amazing. There are about 60 or 70 of them there at that time. They did a great job keeping me safe and about the other 10 parents who were with me, many of whom, by the way, were moms who were lifelong voters for the Democrats. Yet the media, and the mayor of Boston Mayor Wu, reported that I'm a white supremacist on a terror on a tour of stochastic terror. And they didn't even bother to talk to me or any of the Democrats standing with me. They just wrote all the fake news. But that's fine. I'm happy to be the villain in any of this, I'll do whatever role I need to do to put a stop to this child abuse. Because the next day, the Boston Globe even actually published an op ed by a woman called Lisa Steven Davis, who wrote all the truth about this. So the bad news reached millions, the fake news reached millions. But a lot of people see through the fake news. So I'm totally fine with the fake news. I don't mind all news is good news. Anything that brings attention to this causes people to start looking and they learn what's going on. And so many people today know what's going on, that it's impossible to put this genie back in the bottle, the outrage is going to continue to grow. And it's parents who are going to put a stop to this. So we're going to win. It's simply a matter of how many children are harmed before we do. But I'm optimistic as I have been from day one, there's no doubt we're going to end this. It's kind of sad that someone from Canada has to can't make any headway in Canada and has to go to the States. We're making amazing headway. And then Canada just seems to I don't know, we have our heads in the sand. Well, I think more people know, you know, I talk to people at work, I talk to people I know friends, even some of my more left leaning friends. And it seems like the majority of them have seen through what's going on. But no one wants to say anything. No. And I know people who have said things, and it's almost costing their job. It's costing them social standing and things and Canada is really in this bad precipice right now, where we've allowed our employers in both the private and the public sector to police our speech outside of work in our stance on different issues. Were some things are 100%, okay to say, if I went online, and I proudly proclaim that, you know, Billboard, Chris is transphobic no one's going to fire me for my job. But you go online and you say, I don't support, you know, the medical sterilization of children via gender ideology and surgeries that could cost you your job. So, how I'll tell you some stories about that. Sure. I had a lot of stories about this. So when I first put up the first thing I did was put up a big billboard, an actual billboard. That said very controversial. I love JK Rowling and had a big heart on it. I heard JK Rowling. I was following the lead of Posie Parker in England who had put up this poster at the Edinburgh train station, which said the same thing lasted one day it got taken down because the government run train authority said it was hate speech, because people are on Twitter and complained. And a big part of everything that's going on in the world today is the decline in freedom of speech. We're not allowed to say certain things. Just yesterday in Kelowna, a billboard got taken down, because it said, Do you know what your children are really learning in school, and it had a picture of a girl with a man Ask and the progress pride flag in the background. So that's the rainbow flag with the triangles coming in with the bipoc colors and the trans colors. You know, it's it's essentially an arrow wiping out to the gay community, which is very true because that is what's happening. This is an attack on people who grow up to be gay. But that got taken down and the billboard I put up that said, I love JK Rowling got taken down after one day. They got paint bombed overnight. And then our very progressive Vancouver politician named Sarah Kirby Young said it was hate speech and she pressured Jimmy Patterson's company, the Christian philanthropist, billionaire, of course, he's not involved in day to day operations. But she pressured Patterson, who have a monopoly and most of these cities in Canada can take the sign down. And they did. Well, I don't mind I got my money back. And I leveraged all the outrage into a campaign will fundraising campaign quickly and I put up billboards in San Francisco, LA Portland, all throughout Utah throughout the metro and Washington, DC and then Times Square. Those all stayed up, of course, because that's the United States of America, where freedom of speech is still alive and well, in spite of the Democratic party's efforts to take it away. They can't. But up here in Canada, we're living in a bit of a dystopian nightmare in many ways, and a lot of Canadians don't even realize it's going on. Because part of that dystopia is that there is a media blackout on truth. None of our mainstream media companies CBC global are CTV will report the truth about any of this or other matters. And so to the average Canadian who grew up watching CBC or global news, they still think these are unbiased purveyors of information. And that's totally untrue. They're getting indoctrinated and lied to all the time, or they just don't hear anything about the situation, which is the practice. All these leftists, all these ideologues pushing this crap on our kids can do is try to silence conversation. They don't try to have a conversation with me ever. Because they know as soon as you have a conversation, this entire ideology falls to bits. So the only strategy is to cancel it, either through violence. I've had many attacks. I've been my arm broken. I've been arrested twice after getting assaulted. I've been assaulted about 25 times. I've been mobbed by riotous groups of university protesters where police just watched or they just tried to get you pulled from social media. They tried to get you canceled. They tried to get you fired. And I was going to talk about some of that. Right now. There's a nurse named Amy ham. He's being investigated by her college of nurses. Because she was the woman I tried to partner with when I put up that first billboard she knew about the billboard. So obviously, she was vocally supportive of it helped me with media. And because of that complaints were filed, and to this day, she's still going through this long process. Another man who's a paramedic in Ontario came and stood on the street with me one day, just having conversations, a group called anti This is an Antifa journalistic group, funded, funded by the government who write hit pieces on people like myself or people who stand with me. They actually reported him to his college of paramedics, they started an investigation, so he had to go off work, raise money to defend himself. A woman who worked at Boston Children's Hospital was recently fired. Because she sent me some messages of support. And she shared with me some messages that the CEO had written about me. Somehow they found out it was her, which is a little alarming. I have no idea how they did find out maybe they're working with Twitter, internally, who knows. But they fired her. She'd worked there 20 years. But it's okay. She doesn't want to work there anymore, anyway, because she knows they're a bunch of liars. And she's gotten another job, where she's making more money. So that's fantastic. And even this instructor at Brown University, who came to one of my Boston Children's Hospital protests, she wore masks to try to help disguise her identity. But in the media, someone saw her picture. And they reported her to Brown University. Now, brown can't fire her because all she did was stand on a sidewalk. But they responded by putting some other adults in every single class she teaches, just to observe her to put pressure on her. This is Orwellian, nonsense, and we just have to keep telling the truth. Because we cannot live in a society that allows the sterilization of gender nonconforming children or just struggling traumatized children to occur. We cannot live in a society that tries to change the sex of children or a society that doesn't know what a woman is. I couldn't agree more. And it's really, you know, like, I've been following a few kind of cases and it's, it's frightening. It's chilling to see how they are unfair. arcing silence of people that are dissenting. Basically, if you're a dissenter to this ideology, and you take a public stance, you might as well in most cases, if you're in a job that you know is any way grounded in this ideology you might as well look for another job at this point oh, yeah. It's it's it's really it's it's really frightening to see that that's become something that's allowed, you know, like these employers, they just they they've been given carte blanche power you know, these people they're not representing their company they're they're off duty from their whatever their job is. And yet they they have to police their speech and it's not like they're making threats it's not like they've actually endorsed any actual extremist ideology at all that you know, actually does purport hate or anything like that. They're literally in your in some cases, just having conversations. Yeah, they're even outside of this gender business. Any of this woke nonsense that anyone tries to tell the truth about, they end up getting fired. There's a teacher in Abbotsford, I've met him I sat down for coffee with Tim Hortons. His name's Jim McMurtry. There was this big controversy last year where it was reported in Kamloops. Of course, you know about this, that mass graves were found of Indigenous children who had been at these residential schools. So I tried to dig it occurred, kids were taken from their indigenous homes, oftentimes with approval of their chiefs and their tribes or whatever. And they were sent to these residential schools where they were taught by nuns. And the mainstream media essentially reports that these kids were murdered and buried in these unmarked graves. It's completely untrue. And in Kamloops, I guess it was two summers ago, someone reported that 240 anomalies were found in the ground, and that this is a sign of 240 dead children. They haven't exhumed a single grave to actually see what is in the ground they know nothing about this was reported in Washington Post and other huge publications that these were mass graves, as though bodies had all been dumped in one big grave. And this started a period of mourning throughout Canada where our flag in Parliament was flown at half mast for something like nine months consecutively. And Justin Trudeau use this to virtue signal at every single opportunity, including where he went to another one of these supposedly grave sites, and knelt down on one knee, holding a teddy bear, carefully positioned towards the camera. Our Prime Minister, the selfie King, Justin Trudeau uses this to disgustingly virtue signal, literally using potentially dead children to virtue signal, when the truth is that probably all of these kids have these residential schools, which I agree were bad, but died of tuberculosis. I mean, that's what was killing kids everywhere back in those days. There were no vaccines for it or anything. And yeah, it's a tragedy. But these were like community graveyards, where other people were buried in the head wooden grave markers, which have deteriorated over time. And now this gets reported as though there was some mass genocide of indigenous people, which simply isn't true. And this teacher Jim McMurtry just said something very basic. He's much more expert on this than any of us. Like he's studied this in depth. And he said something true in the classroom one day, and a kid got upset about it, and complained to the principal and they ended up marching him out of his classroom, in front of all the kids, and he's been permanently suspended. But they won't hold a hearing to talk about it because they know if they hold a hearing, they're gonna lose. So they just keep them suspended indefinitely. And it's kind of destroyed his life to a significant degree. Another woman Chanel fall, she is a lesbian woman who came out with me to a protest against this in Ottawa, she was mobbed along with me by 200 University protesters. So she's part of the LGBT community if there is such a thing. She's speaking out against this, she spoke out against something to do with critical race theory in schools, and she got suspended as well. But the good news is she finally had a hearing after more than a year, and they found no fault with her. But in Canada, this is how it goes. The process is itself the punishment. You can have all the truth on your side in the world, but they make the process so terrible that it dissuades anyone from speaking out. They'll be seeing Jordan Peterson next week, and I have the meet and greet sort of thing. So I'm gonna get my picture taken with them. And I've heard now, at least one case where someone had posted a picture with Jordan Peterson that they took online and that was enough to get them actually removed from their job. And I couldn't believe that, you know, no one with any balls in the judiciary to actually turn around and say, You know what? People have a right to associate with people. People have a right to who, if they want to protest protest? We that's a fundamental right in our charter, which was basically basically set on fire over COVID. And even before COVID, and it's basically ashes now. It just blows me away that these things are allowed and, and what I don't ever understand is if you're so worried about radicalisation, getting people fired from their jobs for things that are not really fireable offenses, that's going to radicalize people that's going to move people to those extremes, if anything, and because I don't know, like all the people fired over the vaccine mandate stuff, and that, I thought to myself, you know, what do these people think? Do these people think these people are just going to disappear into nothing? No, they're still alive, they're going to find other jobs. But now, now they're mad. Yeah, they're doing us a favor in a way to eventually put an end to this dramatically terrible cultural shift towards the left, because there's no better way to wake up people than to fire them for wrong thing. But that's the state of Canada today. I've been arrested twice after getting assaulted. I even have it on video. So there's nothing to deny here. The first arrest, I was circled by an Tifa, I'd gone to this. There was some huge protests downtown Vancouver. And in Vancouver, we have this huge public square at the Vancouver art gallery. It's where all the protests are held. And there was some big protests going on about something I didn't even know what it was. There were the freedom people, you know, people against COVID mandates and all that they were there. I think there was some Falun Gong protests going on. These are people who are protesting the treatment of the CCP, against people with their religion in China, they're often out there protesting. So there's all sorts of stuff going on. And then there's me, I show up with a sign that says I love JK Rowling on my front. And another sign on my back. It says gender ideology does not belong in schools. And I walked off the sidewalk, and I was instantly surrounded by an Tifa full of people circled me. Didn't want me to walk freely in a public square. So I extricated myself from that I walked over to the police, there were about 20 of them standing like they're all watching. And they said, I was instigating, walking peacefully, not saying a word instigating, okay, they're not going to do anything to help me. So a second time, I walked off the sidewalk, and the guy came and knocked my phone out of my hands, send it flying, I was filming all of this. I walked back to the police who are watched 15 feet away. And they all said they didn't see a thing. Again, they said I was instigating. So I argued with them for a couple minutes. I said, Are you going to do anything to keep me safe? Are you telling me I'm not allowed to walk freely in Canada? Just because I have signs that some people don't like. And the officer knowing he has no good answer to that just said I'm not saying anything. And then the other opposite one who ended up arresting me said, this is a safe space, man. Okay, so I was naive at the time because I'm just a Normie from the suburbs, living out in the cul de sac minding my own business, trying to work and make money and raise my kids and all that I'm just ignoring the safe space business. This is what the left says every time. And this means it's safe for these radicals. And it's not safe for me. And I'm not allowed to say anything because apparently words are violence. So a third time I walked off the sidewalk. People started flocking around me this union rep. His name's Robert ages, he came and hit me with his forearms and fists like this, to stop here. And instantly, I was grabbed from behind by police who had followed me in handcuffs taken to jail charged with causing a disturbance. And then from walking on all these streets in the middle of Vancouver. So for six months, I couldn't walk downtown Vancouver until the Crown prosecutor threw out the charge one day before my first court hearing, which I was disappointed about because the Justice Center for Constitutional freedom was gonna represent me pro bono, this was a slam dunk, we were obviously going to win because this is a total violation of my Charter rights. But they threw it out and then I was able to walk freely again in Vancouver, which was a lot less annoying. So that's the state of Canada. But that's insane though because I mean we have people that are openly consuming hardcore substances and then assaulting people destroying windows of businesses you know, sleeping just you know, anywhere on the sidewalk the road erecting you know, tents in public areas, and you know, they're not arrested or anything like that, but yet you have a sign that inconveniences you know, the police and upset certain people. And so now you're facing, you know, a trial you're facing incredible improvement on your right to walk around freely in society. Yeah, it was easier to get rid of me than it was to deal with all the violent people. So that's the theory on it. They also see my signs, but I ended up getting those back half a year later. too, and that again, it's just to try to stop me from doing what I'm doing. But I think a lot of the police do support me I even have some of them come up to me sometimes even in plainclothes. And they come to tell me how much they support me because police officers who I support, obviously, generally, most are great. My brother's a police officer to foster just doing the job and dealing with that people a lot of the time they see these kids. Because these kids, a lot of the time come from bad homes, they have terrible home lives, they're in foster care. And they know these kids have been harmed, so most of them with a conscience, you know, who are parents, etc. They know that this isn't right. So I think I embarrass the police a lot. They get a lot of emails, and they've received a lot of phone calls, and they leave me alone. Now. They arrested me one more time shortly after that. Also, after getting Sucker Punched from behind, I stopped the man from running away with a single push. Because we do have the right to perform CITIZENS ARREST in Canada. And I get tired of being abused and assaulted and all that. And this day, I get sucker punch from behind. And it's done to me for a few seconds. And I actually it was the weirdest thing I had a flashback to when I was in grade eight. When I got sucker punched in the hallway by this boy named Peter Paul Wagga. And Peter, if you're watching, I forgive you, but my brain went right to this flashback. And then I kind of snapped out of it six or seven seconds later, and this guy was standing at the crosswalk like nothing had happened. And so these young guys pointed out to me and I went to get his picture and he ran. So I was not mood that day to let them run. So I gave chase with my sandwich board on with my new board on my back flying behind me like a cape. And I caught him because of course he's in terrible shape as they all are. I didn't want to hurt him. But I didn't want to trip him or something. He was running as fast as he could. But I decided I'll push them into this wall that will break his momentum. And so I did I gave him a single push. Apparently I broke his arm. Oops. He bounced off the wall, he fell down. I walked away to de escalate, did everything right? Please came arrested me put me in jail again. And I hadn't even laid down in my cart yet when the door opened back up. And they let me out and they didn't charge me with anything. They actually coached me on how to do a citizen's arrest is if there's any way you're supposed to do that. When a guy's running from you, but he admitted to it, they reviewed CCTV footage. And that was that I thought okay, well fast forward a couple months to early March 2021. And I received a phone call from the Vancouver Police wanting me to come in to give a statement, because they're looking at charging me with assault causing bodily harm. Associated with that one push of a guy who's sucker punch me from behind and who'd written on social media that I was advocating for the murder of trans people. Well, my lawyer told me Do not go in there just trying to build a case against you. But Russell, I vowed then and there. I'm never touching anyone again. Because I'm a dad, I want to take my kids to Disneyland. Even though Disney is gone. Well, I want to be able to go to the United States of America. I can't afford getting a criminal record for one of these people. I decided I need to be like Gandhi out there. I just need to take the hits. And never retaliate. And so sure enough, one week later, I'm in Montreal 7pm on a Friday night, one hour before curfew, because I don't know if you know this, but scientifically COVID starts to spread at 8pm. Yes, it comes out of the woodwork. Yeah, so you gotta get inside where it spreads even quicker. And there was tons of people everywhere. And I got jumped by an Tifa five or six guys, one woman as well immediately punched in the face to get big shots back to the head. They ripped off my signs. They stomped on my body cam. And the guy picked up a big traffic cone which he kept swinging at my head. I blocked it four times with my forearm, but this bone doesn't really have any protection. And the base on those things is pretty dense. So I got a broken arm there. And what did the police do? They didn't investigate. They closed the file. They told me there's nothing they can do unless they have me. Give them the names of these masked and hooded assailants. They didn't even review the street footage, they waited so long. On purpose, I'm sure because I told them You better get go On you're gonna lose the street footage. And a month and a half later. What did the officer Tell me? They'd lost the street footage. So that's Canada? Well, Quebec has had a big problem for a long time dealing with the block block and the Antifa types and that they seem utterly powerless to do anything about it. Yeah, they don't want to deal with them, I guess because I don't know. Maybe are they afraid? We're letting the criminals run the show now, like in San Francisco where you can go rob a joint and nothing happens to you and then you get little jail. You just go rob the place again and again and again and again and again. all that smoke is that's wokeness. That's where Canada is going down the road to unless we put a stop to this. But it's hard to put a stop to this when the media won't report the truth and the left get all their activists elected to political positions. So you've got the perfect recipe for an authoritarian dictatorship really, where they can freeze your bank accounts because you donated $100 to peaceful protest. Well, you know, one of the big red pills years ago for me, was I had this one YouTube, it just kind of first started to come into the mainstream a bit. I had watched the G 20. Summit in Toronto. And if I had watched the news, and you know, all the stuff, CBC all the usual people CTV were complaining the police were peddling protesters, they were abusing protesters. And then I went on YouTube. And I saw that the police basically ignored all the actual violent people dressed all in black smashing businesses, destroying businesses, ripping bricks over the road and throwing them at people. Anyone that said, you know, stop, basically destroying things, was mobbed. And it was all on YouTube, people were filming and they were posting the video, what they were saying in the media was completely different than what was being shown on YouTube, by people just filming in the streets. And that was, you know, the first time I'd really ever seen, you know, video footage where that completely contradicted completely contradicted what the media was saying, where the police were the abusive ones that, you know, they were doing all these illegal things, and everyone was generally generally peaceful. It was quite, it was quite an eye opener. Yeah, like the CNN Headline, mostly peaceful protests during Black Lives Matter, as the buildings are literally on fire behind the reporter. That's the Canadian media as well. But we don't have Fox News up here that reaches millions. We have rebel media who do reach a fair amount of people. But still, the vast majority of canon, Canadians do not see that it's not like they have a TV channel or anything. No, they're just getting the fake news all the time. And we started this talk, discussing the conservative, which are conservatives and name only what these politicians need to understand and what I always try to communicate to Republicans as well when I meet them, because I've admitted to making friends every day, all over the place. And I've been meeting with members of Congress as well, and staff members for the House Oversight Committee and people who can actually create some change, but my message has always been, you will never lose a single vote. If you tell the truth about what's happening to kids with compassion. You don't exaggerate, you just tell the plain truth. You just talk like a parent from the year 2000. You won't lose a single Republican or conservative vote. All you're going to do is pick up the moderates. You're gonna pick up the centrist. You're gonna pick up a lot of leftist, too. So what are you worried about? And the proof of this is Ron DeSantis. Ron DeSantis talks like a normal person. He defends parents rights. And he just swept to victory in the most dominant way of any governor in the United States of America, this past election, he turned districts where he lost by 10 points last time, into 20 Point victories. He's gaining the Hispanics, he's gaining the black vote. He's gaining these traditional leftist votes. The biggest supporters for what I do on the street are black people. They are not having this 99% of the men support me. The women aren't having this either. No Democrat, no liberal, when you get right down to it, want their kids getting sterilized, and none of them want schools keeping secrets from them when their child is going through an identity crisis and has a new name and pronouns at school. But they've all been taught that the Democratic Party represents their interests just as up here. They think it's the Liberal Party or the NDP who represents their interest. And it's not true. They like the nuclear family. But these politicians have to stop being afraid of being called names and just tell the truth, because the Conservative Party of Canada right now, playing politics with this, trying to avoid these issues, is just setting themselves up for another electoral defeat. Justin Trudeau received 32% of the last vote, that was enough to get him the most seats in parliament, not the majority, but the most. So it's a minority government. He partners with the equally insane New Democratic Party, which put him over the 50% mark. So he'll bribed them with whatever they want in order to push through whatever bills he wants. But if the conservative party ever won, and when, nevermind the minority government, if they want a majority government, they simply need to tell the truth and stop being afraid of well have minutes. So that's the message for all these conservatives or anyone else out there. Just tell the truth unashamedly just tell the truth. And that's what the people want. That's what's going to secure you a victory. Now, Chris, I want to play a video here. And just kind of get your thoughts on this video. It's from Calgary. It's from the it's from the mayor of Calgary. I'm pretty sure you probably know what I'm, it's it's a bylaw that they passed about a year ago. And it's just them talking about this bylaw. No, kind of get your thoughts on it. Lately, we heard over the last day or so that Chinook blast, together with performers has had to postpone a planned event because there are people who are planning to stage a protest that's rooted in hate. The message that we have sent out is you are welcome to protest, you are welcome to have a rally you are welcome to assemble in public places, I understand that there is a group that's trying to raise awareness of the earthquake in Turkey and Syria as an example, that is assembling and raising public awareness on this. That's perfectly acceptable. That is something that people have the right to do. What you don't have the right to do is use hateful language in a public place to make people feel unsafe and uncomfortable and an unwanted that can't happen. So we will be using our street harassment bylaw, to ensure that anyone who's communicating hate at an event like this is not able to do so. So as a result of the actions of a very small group of people who wanted to have a hate fueled and hate motivated protest, we have had to cancel a pretty significant event in our city that many Calgarians were looking forward to attending, that is not a victory, shutting down events that will boost our economy shutting down things that people enjoy is not a victory. And for that very small group of people who are so filled with hate that think it's a victory, I can't fix it. She never actually emits the event is a drag queen storytime our event. So she never actually emits with the event is she says people have the right to protest in that. But then she never actually says that they have a right to protest or assemble in that regard. She diverts it to another, you know, acceptable cause. And then she throws out a whole bunch of rhetoric about hate fuel and, and things like that. But at the end of the day, it's interesting. Actually, people do have the right to, at the end of the day, say things that we may disagree with even things up to a certain point that as long as it's not libelous as long as it's not, you know, inciting actual violence, like saying, I'm going to kills so and so or I'm going to you know, assault so and so I'm going to burn so and so's house down or, or things like along that lines. They actually people can say whatever they want. So I, I saw this and I was chilled to the bone. When I saw this, I can't believe that this is even allowed that there's any like is this if this needs to go to a charter challenge as soon as possible. So I'm going to discuss the charter and the weakness in it and what needs to be amended. There's no such thing as hate speech. In Canada. We don't have a hate speech law, people protesting the sexualization of children and the act of wearing woman face. These are gay men, dressing up as hyper sexualized versions of women who are then reading to preschoolers, kindergarteners. Why do they want to read to our little children? Why? Why don't we have senior citizens story our where we get grandma's from the old folks home become read to these kids, James Lindsay turned with this best drag queen story hours and initiation ritual into queer theory. For young children. This is the start of getting these kids into the cult of getting them to acknowledge that we can just switch our sex we can be whatever gender we want to be, and I hate the word gender. I don't like using it. I just use it because society still uses it a lot. But gender is essentially personality. I say there are two sexes. There are zero genders, and there are infinite personalities. That's all this gender business really is. But the problem with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is section one. And this is what gave Trudeau the right to freeze bank accounts. It says the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law that can be as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society. So you have the rights and freedoms that are laid out in it. And I'm going to read what those are freedom of conscience and religion Freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication, freedom of peaceful assembly, and freedom of association, you have those rights subject to reasonable limits prescribed by law. Okay? So whatever the law wants to do whatever these crazy politicians want to do, take away our fundamental freedom, that first section of the charter, if I was a conservative running for office, I'd be campaigning to get rid of it. It should be saying what the US First Amendment says, which is that Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press or of the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. It's not subject to what some lawmaker says, you have the rights of freedom of speech, period. And that's in Canada. That's what we need. And if these conservatives had any spine, they would be addressing this because what happened during the trucker protests and what continues to happen to people all across the country today. And what this mayor is advocating for, is an abuse of our rights. They get to decide what's reasonable and unreasonable. And then we have to hire lawyers and go to court and fight them on it. That that's the that's the crux of the weakness when they say reasonable Well, the government, determining what's reasonable is bound for failure every single time. Yeah, especially this government. This is an extremely authoritarian, dishonest government. These people lie like a rug, you can't trust a word that comes out of their mouths. And Canadians. What can we do? Conservatives can't even run for parliament, the Conservative Party won't let them you have to have the approval of the leader to run for the party. And you don't even have a free vote. Once you are elected as a member of parliament in this country. If you vote against what the leader of your party wants, you're kicked out of the party, you're sent to the back benches, you're stripped of your cabinet position, whatever, that's not a democracy. They're not representing their constituents, they have to go along with the party line. So honestly, we need to revamp the whole system. One day, like I hate politics, I hate it. I hate it, but the passion. But if I had to run for leadership of the Conservative Party in 10 years, in order to fix this, even as if you're not an MP, you can still run for leadership of the party. If I have to, I will, in order to fix this. Because we cannot allow this country to devolve into this dystopian nightmare that it's become we are going to have to stand up as people. And hopefully someone else comes along and does it because I don't want to have to do that. But if I have to do that, in 10 years, maybe when I have a million Twitter followers or something, I'll do it. Because I'm not going to send my kids into this world. I'm not going to leave this country in the state that it's in as a legacy for my daughter's not going to happen. Like I have been reviewing lots of videos, and I've never seen you yell I've never seen you scream at anyone. I've never seen you threaten anyone. I rarely ever see you cuss if ever, you go out there and I wrote the substack article on you about it, you know, like you go out there. And you model this behavior. And you just let the crazies go crazy around you. And they then they pretty much out themselves, they out there, their insecurity, their instability. You know, I was reviewing some other videos. So the Hamilton High School with the teacher that was wearing the Double Z prosthetic breast, the woodshop teacher that basically, you know, helped initiate the conversation as well, whether they liked it or not, you know, because it was it was so absurd it was beyond. I just want to you know, go pee in the bathroom of my choice. You know, this person's wearing like prosthetic fetish gear and in a high school classroom, and I thought this is a great time for the right conservatives and not to really host the ridiculousness of this whole thing. But then the news got out there and I watched the news I got it pulled up here, maybe I'll maybe I'll show it and it's they can't stay on topic. They're they're yelling at the news, you're you're fake news. They're given the news, the, you know, the bird and they're, they're yelling about vaccine mandates and sterilizing kids through myocarditis and, and I'm like, Okay, those are all issues that we can talk about, but we got to stay on topic. And when you're yelling and screaming at the news, they loved it. They put it all out there. They loved it. Everyone looked insane. Everyone looked insane though the one guy was threatening the news. I'm going to get a mob down to your new station and we're going to take care of you really like that. That's not helping anyone. Now they don't know what they're doing. And I want to be respectful because I appreciate them coming out exercising the right to protest but I've been around these these guys all the time I go. When I was back allowed into the center of Vancouver I would do sometimes go see the people that were protesting for freedom. And a lot of them are wonderful. Some of them are kind of extreme as well. I've gone to some, some of these dinners where Trudeau shows up, you know, $1,000, a plate raising money. And there's a bunch of protesters outside, so I go to join them. One guy shows up with a, with a hang man's thing, you know, with the news hanging from it. That's not helping. It's not helping anything. That's what the media want. Well, they never, never give them what they want. That's rule number one. Same thing on Twitter, where do most of my campaigning, you never give these trans activists what they want. They want to come into my replies. They want to start fights with people, they want to try to get people suspended. They want to derail the conversation. I'm not going to give them what they want. So I hide the replies and I blocked them immediately. My replies are full of nice people, and truth tellers. It's not balanced. I was in this Twitter space the other day with about 6000 people. This guy Mario novel was hosting it. He has the biggest Twitter spaces going. Any he claims he wants a balanced space. So to do that, he brings in a bunch of lying trans activists, one of the capitals is going in capitals, who said he blank, my wife, and he left the speaker's panel and then Mario seeking balance, brought him back after saying he'd done this to my wife and tell and told me to suck his inverted. You know what? That's not balanced. You're just allowing liars, abusive people, and misinformation and disinformation experts to muddle the conversation if you want balance, have some truth tellers, and people can at least act politely. So when you're protesting No, don't act like lunatic don't yell and scream. It's not helping anything. Have fact based calm conversations. That's what the people need. The media is not going to like it, they probably won't feature you at all. But if they do feature you, at least you come across as a respectable person. I've been interviewed by CDC on camera. Back during the Ottawa protest, I had an actual protest, where I was mobbed by 200 University protesters, so of course, all the media came out. CBC talked to me for 18 minutes. CTV taught me for 15 minutes, I filmed the whole thing myself because I need to protect myself because I know they're gonna lie. This was the number one item on the news at night. It was front page of the Ottawa Citizen, guess how much of my footage they aired. Zero seconds sees nothing, nothing, because you can give them what they wanted. All they're looking for is some hateful comment. That's the narrative. That's the story. Anti trans bigot from British Columbia comes to Ottawa. And they're just looking for some hateful quote, and they got nothing. So that's a victory. Guess what happened later that week, they published some truth, they actually aired a documentary episode on CTV, whatever it's called, where they featured this beautiful woman from Scotland, who D transitioned ticker name Shavon. They focused on the transitioning story, for the first time on mainstream media in Canada, generated all this controversy and fake news. But then they end up following it up with some truth. So just keep telling the truth. You'd mentioned earlier in this podcast that, you know, we're not really able to make progress in Canada, maybe. And we're not with the policymakers. Of course, they're still learning what's going on. But they're not going to make any policy changes in Canada right now. But that's okay. Because even for the first year and a half, but no one in media, or anywhere in the US was giving me any attention, I was standing out on the streets for six hours at a time, freezing my butt off across Canada, having one conversation at a time. And those were extremely successful days. Because those parents I was talking to you individually, we're now learning what was going on. And they're able to protect their kids, they might not have kids. Now, they might have two or three year olds, and they don't have to worry about this. But they're now aware of this issue. And so when this ideology comes for their kids in school or on social media, if they've taught their kids about this, their kids are immune, these lines are going to bounce off because these kids aren't a blank slate anymore. And that word spreads, and podcasters like yourself come along. And so word is spreading among the Canadian population about this. And eventually, we will make it safe for these cowardly politicians to do the right thing. They'll have to figure out a way to save face, which they'll do and they'll lie and whatever. But eventually this is going to end as we're seeing it happen in the States. And so the reason all my trips are into the states now is very simple. I get way more support down there. There are organizations fighting this down there. I get a lot of media down there, and I'm able to reach 10s of millions that way, and that spreads across the border as well. Canadians watch Fox News. A lot of Canadians watch Fox News a lot of Canadians watch Tim cast a lot of Canadians watch a lot of these podcasters so they're learning the truth. And ultimately, this isn't about Canadian children or American children or English children or whatever, it's about all the children of this western world who are being affected. That's my goal, to put an end to all of this everywhere to help, of course, it's not just gonna be me, it's a lot of people, we're going to do it. And the fastest way to do it is to fix the United States of America first, because when they fix this, the rest of the world will take notice. And this will come to a halt very quickly. Yeah, we generally we have a problem in Canada, really developing our own culture, a lot of the time we take a lot of our cultural cues from the, from the states out there, I've heard several times that the, the ideology is so entrenched, we're not going to be able to effectively effectively get rid of it right now. So we have to start developing alternatives. You know, they call it like counterculture, or I've heard it called as the site economy, that sort of thing. And my one friend, he's kind of really involved in this. He's trying to develop these alternatives to vote culture, like promoting and funding of, you know, initiatives that are that are not rooted in ideology. How do you think we can develop alternatives to woke ideology, so when the the events that are going on in the community, almost all of them now the future some form of wokeness, to them, we can have an event that says, You know what, you can bring your kids here, and we're going to, you know, not have drag queen storytime hour at this event, we're not going to have you know, any of these sort of leftist cultural malaise that tries to, you know, indoctrinate people, we're just going to have this event where people can come out here and have fun, develop the alternative, you know, what does he say Phillips says, taking world capital away from them by denying it by not supporting their initiatives. So yeah, sometimes too. If you want to defeat a terrible cultural thing that's going on, you need to create a counterculture, you need to create something else as a replacement. Essentially, woke culture is itself a replacement for traditional values that were held. post modernism, the decline of traditional religions created this vacuum. And nature abhors a vacuum and in its place has come woke ideologies. So this post modernist nonsense that truth is subjective. Essentially, we're dealing with a cult. Okay, this has all the hallmarks of the cult, we simply need to keep telling the truth about it, and it will shrivel up. Because this is too crazy to last, specifically the gender stuffs, essentially what we have our Marxist ideologies, taking over Western culture, psychology repeats itself, human psychology never changes. We had communism sweep through Europe, South America, China, in the 20th century. And anyone who reads the tiniest bit of history will see that it was an abject failure, everywhere it grew. But this idea that you're going to achieve equality for all is very appealing. Of course, it's a nice sounding thing. But when you try to enforce this, and when you try to enforce equality instead of the traditional Christian message of charity, and when you try to do this you part of human nature, which is we all as individuals want to succeed. We all want to build a better life for ourselves. And capitalism is freedom to achieve. That's all it is. It's if you have nothing, and you go work hard, and you have an idea, and you have a passion. Well, you can grow that business, you can grow that idea into something and you can hire people to work for you and you can achieve, that's human nature. All these other ideologies put handcuffs on that somehow, they put restraints on it. And this communist communism is coming into our society, but it's not called communism anymore. It's called equity. It's dei its diversity, equity inclusion. These are all euphemistic terms that teach these oppressor victim ideologies to our kids. Why do you think all these kids today in schools are identifying as something LGBTQ, you get half the students in all these high schools will now say they're LGBTQ, to be cisgender to be your own sex, especially when you're white? And you're cisgender you're at the top of the oppression pyramid. You're getting no love. You're getting hate. If anything to be a white male, you're at the very top of the oppression pyramid. Well, as soon as you come out with some alternate identity, like Dave Chappelle said, a white man can go from being the most impressive in this hierarchy to the most oppressed overnight just by saying And he's now a woman. Well, this is totally absurd. And all these kids get loved bombed when they come out of some special identity. And then the girls especially, are being affected by this. So, honestly, do we replace this with another culture? I don't think we need to. I think we just expose this for the lie that it is, we get back to telling the truth, which is there's no right way to be a boy or girl. If you're an effing feminine boy, if you're a tomboy. If you're a girl wants to climb trees and have short hair and play in the dirt and throw around a football and you hate dresses. Guess what, you're a beautiful girl, is what you are. And we got away from these stereotypes in the 1950s, about how you should be as a girl how you should be as a boy. And when I grew up in the 80s, and 90s. Well, we got away from it all we taught our girls, they can be anything they want to be when they grow up. And they can be except for one thing. They can't be a man. And this isn't controversial. So we just need to expose this cult for what it is. And we need to keep speaking truth about these other woke ideologies that have come into play. Because it's in our nature, to want nuclear families. Obviously, it's good to have a mom and a dad who love you. And I'm not saying that two moms two dads are terrible. But it is better to have a mom and a dad. It is. And that shouldn't be controversial to say. That's nature. Dads bring a different energy typically than moms do. It studies show kids who grew up with single dads even do better than kids who grew up with single moms. Anyway, that's a whole nother story for another day. This isn't about people who are gay. I've got tons of gay friends you love who you love. And that's it. Gay people exist. Okay, this whole trans business is actually trending away the gates taking kids who would grow up to be gay and telling them that they're trans. Do we need a counterculture? I just think we need to go back to normality. We need to go back to speaking the truth. Because instinctually as human beings, we want these nuclear families we want the ability to achieve and to thrive. And yes, we need to have social safeguards in place in society as well to protect the most vulnerable. And of course, we're going to have those in place. But these ideologies have got to go. Now. Do you have anything planned for Canada? I know you're in the States right now, you've been making a lot of waves in the States, any plans to make waves in Canada in the near future? I'm in Canada right now I'm back home. I was just in Oklahoma for six days where I'm yeah, I'm super proud of what was accomplished in Oklahoma. I spoke to this son. It's called the OIC PAC meeting their their political action committee back in early December, I gave my presentation which I included videos from the so called trans health experts themselves, where they talked about girls who tried to pee standing up or boys who don't want to get haircut or kids who play with opposite gender, toys, toys. These are a sign that your child is transgender. And I told them all this stuff and a bunch of men were in tears, powerful men, because it's the truth. And they get it and they know that our kids are under attack. I worked with the Heritage Foundation in the US and the Manhattan Institute to produce legislation with Senator Shane Jett. And on the first day of the legislative session last week, Governor Stitt who I also met at his Christmas party at the governor's mansion, he said to the legislature, he said, Send me a bill to put an end to this child abuse. And he received a standing ovation. And compared to where we were out a year ago, when Republicans didn't even want to touch this. Boy, we've come a long way. So today, they held the first hearings, this bill is going to pass it's going to put an end to all this child abuse in the state of Oklahoma. A lot of other states are passing legislation as well. So we're making waves, we're making progress. And I'm going to keep going out on the streets of Canada here at home and do what I can up here. But most of my trips are in the states simply because it's a better use of my time right now. I will be getting back to Ontario, though, within within a few months in the summer for sure. I'm gonna get there, but it's always good to go there when the house is in session. So we'll see but I haven't forgotten about Canada. We're all connected, though. Any any progress we make down south is also impacting us up here. I believe March eighth in Saskatoon I think I think Mark freezin is going to be talking to the Saskatoon city council about the issue they had with with the male and the female bathroom city Plex. They're in Saskatoon. And he plans to come to Saskatchewan anytime soon. It's one of the provinces I've been to I didn't manage to get to Saskatchewan and Manitoba. I was going to go during COVID But Manitoba required me to quarantine for two weeks or or get arrested and honestly I wouldn't have minded getting arrested. I would have been happy to take that on in court. But it would have been annoying to get arrested. So I just didn't feel like it. Because I got stuff to do. I do need to get there so I will try to get there maybe in the summer I'll take a road trip and drive through Calgary and make my way over to Saskatchewan. But Mark freeze and talking about this. This is a big deal for those on Twitter. Hey Are those who've been paying attention to COVID mandate stuff. He was one of the freedom fighters. But he never talked about this issue. No. And the whole time I was out on the streets, everyone was talking about COVID COVID COVID COVID. All the Conservatives were talking about COVID No one ever addressed this, but I knew one day they would start to, and those same people who got involved with protests, etc. Regarding COVID they're waking up to what's happening to our kids. Now, Mark is one of them. I just talked to Randy Hillier on the phone the other day, he reached out to me, he'd never talked about this either. But he wants to have me on his podcast. So I'm gonna get to Ottawa, and go hang out in his cabin and record a podcast one of these days, but these guys are coming along. And this is just the start. It's going to grow and grow and grow. And the same path we saw in the US, it's going to happen up here. It's just Canada is going to be the last day. I have a question here. Hi, Chris, do you feel like there's been a shift towards the recognition of the social harms for children of the trans movement, specifically outside of politics in the general culture? 100,000%? Yes, when I started this, no one had a clue what puberty blockers are. Now, this is talked about daily, the whole conservative podcast, media movement, especially in the States is talking about this constantly. And now when I'm on the street, I get nothing but high fives, fist bumps, hunks of support people walking by saying thank you for what you do. Even in the beginning, when I was able to have a conversation with someone I had more than 90% support from people all over the political spectrum. So again, this is what these politicians need to understand. The people don't support this. Even the left needs don't support this. Some do. A lot of the far left do a lot of the young women do this has really captured the minds of our young women. They're not taking women's studies in university anymore. They're all called Gender Studies. As Abigail Schreiber's book, so aptly named this, it is the transgender craze, seducing our daughters. I spoke at a press conference in Prince George, when Stuart Parker was running for school board there, his campaign lasted a day because of all the hate you guys. But I spoke at this press conference for him. And when I walked outside, there were 50 counter protesters there to meet me, 48 of them were women. This is who's pushing this. And this isn't to bash women. This is just the fact of the matter. Women are more empathetic, they tend to be and they all know young girls and young women who have transitioned. And they're taught over and over and over in school, these lies that puberty blockers are reversible. And that gender identity is a thing. It is not a thing. It's just personality. And they're taught that if we don't transition these kids, they'll kill themselves. So they think they're being good little social justice warriors, but they've been indoctrinated into a cult. And they're mainly the ones who are pushing this. So anyway, we just got to keep telling the truth. And we'll get there. It's working on Twitter there my most like common of all time was I just sort of glib comment on to lives of Tik Tok and I just said something along the lines of that trans kids are the new Gucci handbag for for woke wine, mommies that need attention, and it blew up action and a brief showing the account like it got retweeted a whole bunch of times and that, but that's what I believe it's commodification of children for the attention of narcissistic adults that don't have meaning or value in their lives. Yeah, for sure. These leftist moms are getting social credit for having a trans kid. There's no such thing as a transgender child. They're called boys and girls, they get all this social credit. They get 1000 likes and their Facebook posts for having a three year old boy who more is Big Sisters dress and necklace and like getting his fingernails painted. And now he's a girl. Oh, you're such a great mom. Look at you being so inclusive and loving and supportive. This is the mentality. It's totally ridiculous. But this is cult mentality. They can't have a conversation, they blow up immediately. So just stay calm. When you have to talk to these people, because we need to stay calm, and they're acting like total lunatics. It's very easy for an outsider who doesn't know much about this to see who's on the right side of history here. It seems like not all the socialists have bought into the, to the whole gender ideology. You know, they don't think that's the right route for socialism to go and they don't think it's legitimate. And it's making discrediting their references as well. Yeah, I mean, the radical feminists who are all pretty raging leftists were among the first to talk about this are a handful of men talking about it and a lot of radical feminists. Now they also just, there's a lot of them who honestly hate men, and don't, I'm talking about this, and I get more grief from them than anyone. They're not helpful at all. They're very hurtful. Especially early in my campaign when no one knew who I was, but, but yeah, they speak the truth about this. I know that Maxine Bernie's party, the People's Party of Canada They're taking votes away from the Green Party. They were taking votes away from the NDP party. Just because of this one issue. Women who have their heads screwed on straight, obviously don't want men coming into their spaces. We have rapists going into women's prisons. There's a man named Adam the bukan, who raped a three month old boy and drowned a nine month old. Here in British Columbia, provincial government paid for him to get breast implants and sentiments at the Fraser Valley penitentiary for women. And also over 2020 When we had a provincial election campaign going on, I went over to Victoria to meet the Minister of Education who refused to meet with me. And I found their campaigning headquarters, I stumbled upon it, driving back to my hotel window. I saw all these signs and I thought, Oh, great. There's the NDPs campaign headquarters. Let's walk on in there. So I did not like my signs. I just walked in. And I spoke to this woman at the counter. I didn't know who she was her name's Grace lore, she was running for one of the seats and Victoria, Minister of Education. At the time, Rob Fleming was running for another seat. He wasn't there. But she was. So I started talking to her. Now this is a true story. I started telling her about all the harm coming to kids. And I've given this I've had more than 10,000 These conversations now, at that time, maybe I've only had 500 or 1000. But I I knew my facts. I've been researching this all year. And I speak very calmly, I laid on all this stuff happening to kids. And one by one all the NDP members in this building fell silent, and they just let me run with it for about 10 minutes. It was amazing. After 10 minutes, I got to the point where I talked about this rapist who raped a three month old boy who had required reconstructive surgery and who drowned a nine month old boy, and how he was sent into a women's prison. Right there, I got shut down. A woman shut me down. She said I was making them feel unsafe. And she had to make this a safe space three times had to make this a safe space safe space for for child rapists who murder children, I guess so the truth was too hard for them. So I got kicked out. I just explained all this stuff happening to kids. You can't deny what I'm saying. I've got all the evidence in the world. As I walked back to my car, Russell. I looked through the window and guess what they were doing? They were all laughing. This. I think it's funny. They think that children being sexually assaulted and murdered is funny, and sending the rapist into a woman's prison where he of course has assaulted a woman already. Yeah, it's all funny. And what did they do after hearing about all this child abuse and everything. I came back the next morning to talk to the Minister of Education. They locked me out. And of course, they had hung the transgender flag underneath his political poster outside. Guess who Grace Lor is the woman I was talking to. I found out Oh, of course, she was the professor of Gender Studies at the University of Victoria. Of course, she won her writing in radical Victoria, which is the most insane place I've ever been to on this topic. By far. She won her writing. She's now the Minister of State in British Columbia, in charge of child care. Oh, boy. This is where we're at people. Wake up, get involved. We got to fight back. Question again from Michael, What differences do you experience when you're on the street in Canada versus the United States? I get more abuse in Canada for sure. Virtually all of the violence I've received has been in Canada. The rest have been in Canada. I get way more verbal abuse as well. And the police don't do anything. In Boston. Just last month, beginning of January. I held another protest at Boston Children's Hospital. I kid you not there must have been 150 police officers there 150 To keep me safe and like the 10 parents who are with me and Tifa didn't even show up. I don't think the police and just us. It was incredible. I had a bicycle escort back to my car and 15 Bicycle cops. The motorbike squad was there. The gang squad were there. They were policing this overhead walkway out of Boston Children's Hospital up and down for six streets. There were cars, SUVs, vans full of police officers, and they were prepared for this massive riot. And up here in Canada. I get I get the tax. I got mobbed by 200 university students I got punched in the head twice, painted on spat on. My car was keyed in their presence of police officers and my signs were all destroyed. 12 police officers they're doing absolutely nothing and probably threatened you with arrest. Well, I tried to sell the design right at the end. I was putting one back in my car And this young woman grabbed it, she started to stomp on it. I tried to grab it before it got destroyed. Because you know, I have no money and these things cost money. As soon as I tried to recover my son, a police officer came and stopped me because people were mobbing me everywhere. It was total bedlam. I've got all that on video, too. But no, it's totally insane. I saw that video and Invicta in Vancouver at the Vancouver Pride Parade when the police were briefing you and they said that if that if you were present started to make people unsafe, feel unsafe, they would, they would order you to leave. And if you didn't, they were going to arrest you. And I applaud you because you stood your ground, and you told them, You can't do that I have the right to be here. It's a public area. And that and I applaud you because you know, it's difficult, you know, you got you got cops there and you know, they have the power and the authority to make arrests and, and they can make your life miserable. And, and that sort of thing. And potentially, you know, even they think that you're resisting or not cooperating, they can, you know, use force on you. And I applaud you because most people would not have been as direct with them as you were about your rights to be there. Yeah, I know my rights. Apparently, if people get violent with me, this is literally what he said, if people get violent with me, they're going to arrest me. I love it. Go ahead, Please arrest me, it's all going to be on video. I love it, please do it, you're going to help me out a lot. That's Canada, I had to get a police escort back to my car that day, because people were following me reporting over their phone over text messages to all their Antifa buddies, my my location and all that sort of stuff. A woman blew her whistle in my ear for half hour straight, my ear was ringing all day, fortunately, didn't cause any permanent damage. But this is all they do. They tried to cancel you from speaking when I went to Harvard, some Antifa lunatics saw that I was at Harvard came out on the street, just to stalk me, just to get in my face as soon as someone wanted to talk to me. So I just made them the stars of the show. And I filmed them the whole time. And I think I embarrass them thoroughly. But for two hours, they just followed me everywhere I went. And then another guy came and another guy came and then a woman came waving your flag in my face constantly. This is all they have is trying to cancel conversation. And they know nothing. They have no idea what they're protesting. And you can see it in their eyes, as I'm telling them what's going on. And I have all the facts and figures and I have all the statistics from gender clinics themselves and all the trans health professionals themselves admitting to a lot of this, you can see in their eyes, oh, we thought this guy was some bigoted loser. He actually knows what he's talking about. But what am I going to do now I'm here stalking him, I have to say face, I can't leave. What I do with those people is I create cognitive dissonance, I say something that they agree with, like we shouldn't be putting these sick kids in some stereotypical box, that the boy is more feminine, that the girl is more masculine, beautiful, what's problem, and I'll just pause, and you can see their brains slowly start to rupture. Because I'm not supposed to say that I'm supposed to be some bigot. But I've created this moment of cognitive dissonance where there are now two competing ideas existing in their brain simultaneously, both of those ideas can't exist because they're contrary. So they're gonna go home, and they're gonna have to think about this. And with those types of people, that's all you can really do with a normal person, you can just have a nice conversation, and they get it right away. We're starting puberty and kids what people are horrified. So anyway, we're gonna win, we're going to keep going. And if I may plug with my website a little bit 100%. The Lord If you want to support me, I can only do this with help from individuals. I had no money from the beginning. I was always running up my credit card, we're gonna pay it off. Right now I have like a few$100. So that's I'm doing pretty well. And I'll be fine. I can email people who have donated in the past, I suppose if I have to, I had to do that once when my credit cards got up to 12,000. But if you want to support me, there's a Donate button on my website. I need to do more than what I'm doing. I need to do more than just go have conversations, because I have a lot of good ideas. But anyway, it'll go to a good place. But if you can't support me financially, please support me. This is what I really asked for. have these conversations. When you take your kids to school at the beginning of the year. Talk to the teacher ask them what are your views on gender ideology, you're going to find out right away, if they're going to be a problem or not. Most teachers aren't in favor of this. Most aren't pushing this, they aren't forced to teach these lies to your kids. But you get this in pockets. You get certain teachers who teach it you get these after school clubs. Where these kids go to these gay straight alliances are these gender and sexuality alliances, where they're indoctrinating the most vulnerable of our kids to believe they were born in the wrong body, which is an abusive thing to say. So we just need to keep talking about this. Do not send your kids to one of these fine arts schools. You're inviting disaster. Parents I spoke with for four hours husband and wife I spoke to recently. They sent their daughter to the Langley Fine Arts School where approximately 45 Girls are socially transitioning to the opposite sex boys named boys pronouns, because you have a few problematic teachers there. And wherever you teach this, well, some kids are going to take you up on this offer to switch their sex, especially the kids were having a tough time in life, and especially the autistic children. Half of these kids have autism. Thank you so much, Russell. I really appreciate you having me on